1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: HUFF@hq.dswa.mil
Date: 19 Feb 1998 12:38:58
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: CERCLA Exemptions
In an attempt to answer only your first question
"Can anyone confirm that there is a CERCLA
exemption for lead from automobiles?" I would
submit that under the Petroleum Exclusion, lead
was contained in fuel as an additive and not as a
result of lead contamination of the fuel occuring
in the fuel during the refining process:
therefore, it is exempted. Incidentally, it was
discovered in 1922, that an addition of about .01%
concentration of tetraethyl lead to gasoline,
produced a more even burning fuel which was much
less prone to predetonation (pinging), and
consequently, the engine tended to last
significantly longer. Unfortunately, we are now
paying the price (in more ways than one) for the
impact of having used this method.

Steve Huff

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