1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: bjel0004@gold.tc.umn.edu
Date: 30 Aug 1995 15:17:52
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Update on RAB Selection Proess
Posting from Mark D Bjelland <bjel0004@gold.tc.umn.edu>

Dear Lenny:

It has been nearly a year since our citizens group, the Arsenal Cleanup 
and Conversion Project, began pushing for a RAB at the Twin City Army 
Ammunition Plant. But finally the RAB selection process is underway and 
it seems that the guidelines will actually be followed. The replies to 
my posting about the RAB Selection Process were helpful. We wrote many 
letters and asked for help from a lot of people at Army, DOD, EPA, 
CareerPro, and the state, and now there seems to be a real change of
spirit at the local installation -- a halt to the continual questioning of
the need for a RAB, and a commitment to follow the guidelines. 
After the Army agreed to form a RAB, the next obstacle was their choice 
of the local mayors as the Selection Panel. We weren't 
pleased with the local mayors being designated as the Selection Panel 
since the point of RABs is to empower those who don't already have a 
voice. And sure enough some mayors were afraid of a RAB and wanted to scrap 
the Guidance and hand-pick the members. Fortunately, some Army personnel 
stood firm in telling the mayors to follow the guidance and the leadership 
of the RAB Selection Panel has been taken by a mayor who wants to 
follow the guidance. We are now hoping and monitoring the process to 
ensure that a broad and diverse representation of the community is 
selected for the RAB. 

Thanks for the help,

Mark Bjelland

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