2005 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: lsiegel@cpeo.org
Date: 16 Sep 2005 07:01:41 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: [CPEO-BIF] In the wake of Katrina
Submitted by Jerry Ackerman <jerryackerman@sbcglobal.net>

I'm not sure if the situations between Iraq and New Orleans and other
Gulf States are different. To paraphrase Bill Walsh's comment, "Right
now, we still have a disaster unfolding [in both situations!], with the
bracketed comment being mine. With respect to bacterial levels being off
the charts, I know of several companies--and quite openly and candidly,
mine being one of them--who have offered environmentally sustainable
ways to significantly reduce existing bacterial levels.  And these
offers are not aimed at waiving the prevailing wage rule: they are
offered, equipment and engineering time and expertise, for free.  Yet no
one has picked up on these offers, despite the fact (as Mr. Walsh
states) that "I would hate to see some biological disaster develop
because of indecision on an emergency cleanup." So would I. And the
traditional means of controlling bacteria in water--through
biocides--only leads to treatments like hyper-chlorination, which is a
proven carcinogenic. In good faith, I'm sure we all want the same
objective: to clean up as immediately as possible the environmental
mess, try to ensure the prevention of widespread disease through
bacterial contamination, and rebuild an economically vital and
sustainable future in these communities.  But the patterns by
Halliburton and other companies--despite their good intentions--are
often a disaster. John McPhee pointed these problems years ago.
Jerry Ackerman
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