2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 14 Aug 2001 20:29:52 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Marasco Newton Group Awarded Contract to Provide Brownfields Analyt
August 14, 2001 

Marasco Newton Group Awarded Contract to Provide Brownfields Analytical and
Technical Support Services For The Environmental Protection Agency 
Arlington, VA?Marasco Newton Group (MNG), an Arlington-based management
consulting firm, today announced a $26 million prime contract award to provide
Brownfields Analytical and Technical Support to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). 
 The MNG Team will provide technical, analytical, and administrative services
to support EPA in the research, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of the
Brownfields Program. For example, the MNG Team will support EPA in developing
and implementing its Brownfields Pilot programs, sustainable development
activities, and the RCRA/Brownfields Prevention Initiative and will assist in
workforce development and fostering partnerships to enhance the mission of the
Brownfields Program. 

 The team led by Marasco Newton Group includes Environmental Management
Services (EMS), DynCorp I&ET, Clay Associates, Northeast Midwest Institute
(NE/MW), Environmental Law Institute (ELI), Native American Management 
 Services (NAMS), and Joyo Environmental Services (JES). 
 "During the last five years, we've supported EPA in developing and executing
award-winning, innovative, environmental programs which have become models on
how federal government programs can and should work. We are delighted to
continue with EPA, to develop and deliver the magic that the Brownfields
Program has created for so many communities, " said Amy Marasco, President of
Marasco Newton Group. 
 About Marasco Newton Group 
 Marasco Newton Group is a 300-person employee-owned, management consulting
firm serving federal, state, local and international governments, as well as
private and nonprofit organizations. Marasco Newton Group is a leading provider
of information technology, management, and environmental solutions, and
provides clients with exceptional service, quality products,  and innovative
solutions that exceed their expectations. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia,
Marasco Newton Group has offices throughout the 
 Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, in Research Triangle Park, North
Carolina, and across the United States. Visit Marasco Newton Group's 
corporate Web site at www.marasconewton.com. 
 # # # 

 Heather Blanchard 
 Marasco Newton Group, Ltd. 
 2801 Clarendon Blvd. 
 Arlington, Virginia 22201 
 703.247.4754 (Direct Dial) 
 703.516.9108 (Fax) 


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