2006 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 5 Jan 2006 03:07:46 -0000
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Perchlorate symposium, January 26, Santa Clara, CA
The Groundwater Resources Association of California Presents:
The 16th Symposium in the Series on Groundwater Contaminants

Perchlorate 2006: Progress Toward Understanding and Cleanup
January 26, 2006 ? Hyatt Santa Clara, CA
(Deadline for making hotel reservations is January 11, 2006 to receive
GRA rate)

Locus Technologies | USFilter Environmental Services

Lunch Sponsor: Santa Clara Valley Water District

Program Agenda - http://www.grac.org/peragenda.pdf
Registration Forms - http://www.grac.org/perreg.html
Hotel Information - http://www.grac.org/perhotel.pdf
Sponsor Exhibitor Opportunities - http://www.grac.org/se.pdf

An application for MCLE is pending with the State Bar of California. 

The Groundwater Resources Association of California is proud to present
its fourth national symposium focusing on perchlorate. "Perchlorate
2006: Progress Toward Understanding and Cleanup" will be on January 26,
2006 at the Santa Clara Hyatt Hotel. A full program featuring speakers
from across the country promises to deliver the latest and most relevant
information on perchlorate contamination in the nation's groundwater supplies.

The Symposium will profile a number of technical and policy issues,
including Health Implications of Perchlorate in Groundwater, Public
Policy and Risk Communication, Soil and Vadose Zone Remediation,
Forensics for Distinguishing Perchlorate Sources, Natural Occurrence of
Perchlorate, Innovations in Remediation of Perchlorate Contaminated
Groundwater, Case Histories, including citizen group views and technical
analysis of the Olin Case in Morgan Hill, and a poster session featuring
a variety of topics. The program will conclude with a Policy Roundtable
Discussion on Replacement Water Orders, the subject of the State Water
Resources Control Board's May 2005 ruling. Attorneys representing
private well owners, RWQCB, Olin Corporation, and affected water
companies will discuss the question, "Under what circumstances is
replacement water warranted?"

Featured speakers include Dr. Ben Blount of the Centers for Disease
Control, who will discuss methods for biomonitoring of perchlorate from
food in the general population. Dr. John Gibbs of Kerr McGee will
discuss recent studies on thyroid function in pregnant women and
newborns in exposed populations. The State of Massachusetts' efforts to
profile a variety of sources of perchlorate will be presented by Rose
Knox of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, while
another national study on Alternative Sources of Wide-Spread, Low
Concentration Perchlorate will be presented by Carol Aziz of GeoSyntec.
Dr. Andrew Jackson of Texas Tech University will provide the newest data
on widespread perchlorate occurrence in the Texas Panhandle. Additional
speakers from the USGS, US EPA, UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, Arizona State
University, and the country's leading perchlorate consultants will
present their work in several key case studies. Exhibitors will be
available to discuss your needs for perchlorate treatment, perchlorate
analysis, and perchlorate consulting.

Dr. Andrew Jackson will also deliver a dinner lecture focusing on
widespread perchlorate occurrence of possible atmospheric origin in the
Texas Panhandle at GRA's San Francisco Bay Branch meeting the evening
prior to the Symposium, January 25, 2006, also at the Santa Clara Hyatt.
Registration for the dinner meeting is separate from the Symposium
registration and will be available shortly through the GRA San Francisco
Bay Branch Web page at http://www.grac.org/sfb.

To check for future Symposium updates - http://www.grac.org/perchlorate

Exhibitors: BioInsite, LLC | Blaine Tech Services, Inc. | Calgon Carbon
Corporation | Instrumentation Northwest, Inc. | WDC Exploration & Wells

Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
If you are interested in exhibiting your organization's services or
products, or being an event sponsor, please contact Mary Megarry at
916-446-3626 or mmegarry@nossaman.com. GRA welcomes co-sponsors, lunch,
break, and reception sponsors.

Sponsor Exhibitor Information Packet - http://www.grac.org/se.pdf

GRA is dedicated to resource management that protects and improves
groundwater through education and technical leadership.
915 L St, Ste 1000 * Sacramento, CA 95814 * Ph: 916-446-3626 * Fx:
916-442-0382 *


Lenny Siegel
Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918
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