2000 CPEO Military List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 14:10:25 -0500 (EST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] Colorado position on Sarin bomblet disposal
[This was posted to the list by Stella Bourassa, StellaVB@aol.com]

Please post on CPEO...thank you!

I must give Governor Bill Owens a standing ovation on such a well 
written, serious, logical and to the point letter to the Defense 

I hope that other Governors will follow suit who have BRAC/FUDS sites 
located within their state.  This issue is been addressed in it's 
seriousness and it's time for each entity to respond with grave 
seriousness to the contamination and threat to public and environmental 
health and safety.

Thank you Gov. Owens.
Stella Bourassa

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