1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: marianne.thaeler@sfsierra.sierraclub.org
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 10:50:40 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re:Anti-WIPP article lacks critical thinking
This is not to be argumentative, merely to present some facts.
- Lateral drilling for fluid minerals (oil, gas and geothermal) has already
occurred up to the WIPP boundary.
- Two New Mexico Attorney Generals were convinced that the facts are enough to
oppose the opening, and present AG is looking for new legal grounds to stop the
long term use of the WIPP site.
- The original  criteria for a storage site: stable (no earthquakes) and dry
were found not to be present at  WIPP site, as predicted by independent
non-governmental geologists when the site was first proposed.
 - An internationally verified earthquake occurred just a few miles north of the
site,  just this year.
- Protestors in west Texas are also protesting the citing of a low level nuclear
dump site (just south of WIPP site in Texas), WIPP site, and a sewer sludge dump
for sludge generated in eastern states, are all in the same area as an
environmental justice issue, since effected publics are mostly low income
- The Republic of Mexico's General Assembly passed a legislation specifically
opposing the WIPP site and opening because Mexico is down stream.
- Citizens of Texas, marched in protest across west Texas. 
- The Mexican Assembly sent a special delegation to DC and to meet with the
Governor of Texas to oppose the WIPP opening.  
- Citizens of Mexico held hunger strikes and protests on the international
bridges at Juarez/El Paso, in an attempt to get some media attention.  

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