1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Laura Olah" <olah@speagle.com>
Date: 30 Sep 1997 15:30:28
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Protocol Health Risk Assessment of MMR
ZAP59@aol.com wrote:
> How can they study bag burning without including firing the gun and the bomb
> exploding? The numbers they gave on the amounts of bags being burned is
> incorrect, you must take there numbers and X by 5 to get close.They can't
> bull me I was there and watched them many times.I even told citizens wich gun
> positions were used the most and was right. Paul Zanis


You're exactly right; I hope my comments were clear in that regard. The 
Bang Box was a very specific, narrow test conducted under a carefully 
controlled set of circumstances that can not and should not be 
misconstrued as a comprehensive characterization what is actually 
happening in the field. 

For example, reports from the International Society of Doctors for the 
Environment estimates that "particle pollution," the soot that comes 
from factory smokestacks and diesel exhausts, contributed to the death 
of 50,000 to 60,000 people a year, mostly those who suffer from asthma, 
bronchitis, emphysema or pneumonia. If these estimates are accurate, it 
suggests that airborn soot is responsible for more deaths each year than 
automobile accidents. Soot particles smaller than the diameter of a 
human hair are, according to an August 2, 1993 Wisconsin State Journal 
article, legal stack emissions. According to this same article, the 
death rate in Utah Valley, a community dominated by a steel mill, 
increased by 16 percent for every increase of 100 micrograms of soot in 
the atmosphere. A study in St. Louis reportedly found similar results.

Soot from burning bags (with or w/out propellants) is just one example 
of parameters not measured in the Bang Box test. 


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