1996 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 13:35:54 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>

***** WARNING: This is a long file *****

 U.S. & Russian Program, Policy, and Technical Options

 A Global Green USA ChemTrust Workshop
 organized in cooperation with
Green Cross Russia, Green Cross Switzerland, and Green Cross International

 Cosponsored by Congressman Peter DeFazio
 and Senators Dale Bumpers and Ron Wyden

 The ChemTrust Project's goal is to encourage cooperation among 
all constituencies that share a stake in moving toward responsible and 
cost-effective destruction of chemical weapons. The sessions will 
emphasize thorough, balanced, and bi-partisan disucssions of U.S. and 
Russian programs and technologies.

 Tuesday & Wednesday, July 23 & 24, 1996
 Capitol Hill, Washington, DC

DAY 1: TUESDAY, JULY 23; Rayburn House Office Building Room B338-339

 8:30- 9:00 Registration; coffee, tea, and pastries

 9:00- 9:15 Welcome & Introductions
 Mr. Matt Petersen, Executive Director, Global Green USA
 Ms. Polly Parks, Director, Global Green USA Legacy Program
 9:15- 10:30 PANEL 1: U.S. Military Program for Chemical Weapons Destruction
 Dr. Paul F. Walker, Director, ChemTrust, Chair
 Maj. Gen. Robert D. Orton, USA, Program Manager for Chemical
 Demilitarization (PMCD)
 Dr. Theodore M. Prociv, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of 
 Defense, Chemical/Biological Matters
 Mr. Robert Taylor, Deputy General Counsel for Environment and
 Installations, US Department of Defense
10:30- 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45- 12:15 PANEL 2: Emerging Technologies and Program Options for Chemical
 Weapons Destruction 
 Prof. Joseph F. Bunnett, Department of Chemistry, University of
 California at Santa Cruz, CA, Chair
 Lt. Colonel Steven Landry, Product Manager for Alternative 
 Technologies & Approaches, U.S. Army Chemical Stockpile 
 Disposal Program, Aberdeen, MD
 Mr. Reid Smith, Senior Project Manager, Stone & Webster 
 Engineering Corp., Boston, MA
 Dr. Douglas J. Hallett, President Eco Logic, Ontario, Canada
 Mr. Charlie Frye, M4 Environmental, Oak Ridge, TN
 Mr. Bob Boylston, AEA Technology, Washington, DC
 Dr. Alexey Margolin, Vice President for Science, Altus 
 Biologics, Cambridge, MA

12:15- 1:30 Luncheon Buffet 

1:30- 2:45 PANEL 3: Legislating and Overseeing the Destruction of 
 Chemical Weapons
 Dr. Amy E. Smithson, Senior Associate, Stimson Center, Chair
 Congressman Glen Browder (D-Alabama), House National Security 
 Mr. Jay Kimmett, Professional Staff, Senate Appropriations 
 Mr. Donald L. Siebenaler, Study Director, Stockpile Committee,
 National Research Council

 2:45- 4:00 PANEL 4: Site-Specific Issues: State Regulatory Perspectives
 Ms. June Ottinger, Ottinger Foundation, Co-Chair; Ms. Polly 
 Parks, Director, Global Green USA Legacy Program, Co-Chair
 Mr. Michael O'Connor, Commissioner of Environmental Mgmt., IN
 Mr. Alvin Bowles, Department of Environment, State of Maryland
 Mr. Bret McKnight, Department of Environmental Quality, State
 of Oregon
 Mr. Mike Bates, Chief, Hazardous Management Division, 
 Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, State of Arkansas
 Mr. Ralph Collins, Deputy Commissioner, Department of 
 Environmental Protection, State of Kentucky

 4:00- 4:15 Coffee Break

 4:15- 5:30 PANEL 5: Site-specific Issues: Citizen Perspectives
 Ms. June Ottinger and Ms. Polly Parks, Co-Chairs
 Mr. Jim Harmon, Member, Citizens Advisory Commission, Alabama
 Dr. Douglas Hindman, Vice-Chair, Citizens Advisory Commission,
 Ms. Karyn Jones, Citizens Advisory Commission, Oregon
 Mr. Armand Minthorn, Member of Board of Trustees, Confederated
 Mr. John Nunn, Member, Citizens Advisory Commission, Maryland
 Prof. Abdullah F.H. Muhammed, University of Arkansas at 
 Pine Bluff, Arkansas
 Mr. Alan Urban, Member, Citizens Advisory Commission, Colorado 

 5:30- 6:45 Wine and Cheese Reception

DAY 2: WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 -- Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 562

 9:00- 9:15 Coffee, tea, and pastries

 9:15- 9:30 Welcome & Introductions
 Senator Dan Coats (R-Indiana), Senate Armed Services Committee
 Dr. Stephan Robinson, Legacy Program Coordinator, Green Cross 
 Dr. Sergei Baranovsky, Director, Green Cross Russia, Moscow

 9:30- 11:45 PANEL 6: Russian Program for Chemical Weapons Destruction
 Dr. Paul F. Walker, Chair
 Dr. Sergei Baranovsky, Director, Green Cross Russia, Moscow
 Maj. Gen. Roland Lajoie, USA (ret.), Deputy, Cooperative 
 Threat Reduction, Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of
 Defense for Atomic Energy
 Colonel Yevgeni N. Konovalov, Deputy Chief, Ministry of Defense,
 Radiological, Chemical & Biological Defense Forces of the 
 Russian Federation 
 Dr. Vladislav V. Scheluchenko, Deputy Director, State 
 Scientific and Research Institutes of Organic Chemistry and 
 Technology (GosNIIOXT), Moscow
11:45- 12:00 Closing Remarks: Dr. Paul F. Walker


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