1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: ross.vincent@sfsierra.sierraclub.org
Date: 29 Dec 1994 14:18:25
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Partial Record of Decision (PROD) for the Disposal and Reuse
Subject: Partial Record of Decision (PROD) for the Disposal and Reuse

[Federal Register: December 29, 1994]



Partial Record of Decision (PROD) for the Disposal and Reuse 
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Carswell Air Force Base (AFB), 

 On November 21, 1994, the Air Force issued a PROD for the disposal 
of a portion of Carswell Air Force Base (AFB), Texas. The decisions 
included in this PROD have been made in consideration of the Carswell 
AFB Disposal and Reuse Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), 
which was filed with the Environmental Protection Agency on February 
18, 1994, and other relevant considerations.
 Carswell AFB was officially closed on September 30, 1993, pursuant 
to the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act (DBCRA) of 1990, 
(Public Law 101-510) and the recommendations of the Defense Secretary's 
Commission on Base Realignment and Closure. This PROD documents the 
Carswell AFB disposal decisions.
 The Air Force has decided to dispose of the approximately 1946 
acres fee and 69.99 acres leased portion of the base in the following 
manner: Parcel A (approximately 95.03 acres) will be transferred to the 
Federal Bureau of Prisons for the development of a Federal Medical 
Center Complex, Parcel B (20 houses on approximately 6.68 acres) will 
be assigned to Health and Human Services for a Public Benefit 
Conveyance to ARI for a rehabilitation center Parcel C (one house on 
approximately .23 acres) will be assigned to the Department of 
Education for a Public Benefit Conveyance to Westworth Village for use 
as a public library, Parcel D ( approximately 1,840 acres fee and 69.99 
acres leased), will be retained and realigned by the DoD as mandated by 
the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
 The uses proposed for the property by prospective recipients of 
property under the ROD are included in the proposed action in the FEIS 
and are consistent with the community's draft redevelopment plan for 
the base. Carswell Redevelopment Authority prepared the plan, with the 
assistance of the broader community.
 By the decision, the Air Force adopts certain mitigation measures, 
as described in this PROD, to protect public health and the 
environment. In response to existing or forecasted environmental 
impacts to or in the area of Carswell AFB, subsequent property owners 
should consider implementation of the more specific mitigation measures 
associated with reuses they may undertake, as set forth in Chapter 4 of 
the Final Environmental Impact Statement.
 Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Mr. 
Charles R. Hatch, Program Manager, Southwest Division. Correspondence 
should be sent to AFBCA/SW, 1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 2300, 
Arlington, VA 22209-2809.
Patsy J. Conner,
Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 94-32002 Filed 12-28-94; 8:45 am]

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