2002 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 22 May 2002 18:20:02 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Land Renewal Network Conference
Land Renewal Network Conference
June 4 - 5, 2002
Hotel Washington
Washington, DC

Marasco Newton Group invites you to join us at the second national
conference of the Land Renewal Network on June 4 - 5, 2002. Officials
representing federal, state, and local governments and industry will be
present to share with you their perspectives on emerging issues related
to RCRA, Superfund, UST, and Brownfields.  There will be a luncheon on
June 4, 2002, for all conference attendees.

The conference registration fee is $299.00 payable to Marasco Newton
Group.  A nominal conference registration fee of $50.00 will be charged
for federal, state, or local government employees only.  Organizations
that paid the full Land Renewal Network membership annual fee of
$8500.00 do not need to pay the conference registration fee to attend,
however, you must register. 

The conference will be held at the Hotel Washington at 15th &
Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC.  Please contact Leslie Hulick,
Marasco Newton Group, at 703-247-4086 for room reservations no later
than May 17, 2001.  Late requests will be accommodated on a space
available basis.  Please mention the Land Renewal Network Conference for
the special room rate of $120 per night.  

To register for the Land Renewal Network Conference, please contact
Marasco Newton Group at 703-516-9108, attention Laura Sneeringer; email
LRN_conference@marasconewton.com; or mail to Marasco Newton Group,
Attention: Laura Sneeringer, 2801 Clarendon Blvd., 1st Floor, Arlington,
VA 22201.  For more information, call 703-284-9484.

Registration and conference fees for each individual need to be received
no later than May 29, 2002, to ensure your participation. Send
conference fees to:

Land Renewal Network
Marasco Newton Group
Attention: Laura Sneeringer
2801 Clarendon Blvd., 1st Floor
Arlington, VA 22201

Cancellation Policy:
If notice of cancellation is made prior to May 29, 2002, the entire
registration fee will be refunded.  Please notify Laura Sneeringer at
703-284-9484 immediately of any substitutions or cancellations.


Land Renewal Network
2002 Spring Conference

Hotel Washington, Washington DC
June 4-5, 2002

June 4, 2002   9:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

9:45  Welcome and Introduction to the Conference - Tim Fields, Senior
Vice President, Marasco Newton Group

10:00  EPA’s One Cleanup Program – Marianne Lamont Horinko, Assistant
Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response will discuss
EPA’s vision and progress towards creating a one cleanup program.

10:20  Future Direction of EPA Waste Programs – Elizabeth Cotsworth,
Director, Office of Solid Waste and Michael Cook, Director, Office of
Emergency and Remedial Response will each address the goals and
activities of the RCRA and Superfund programs, respectively, in the
coming years.

10:45  Break

11:00  Status of OSWER Priorities

Revitalization Agenda – Steve Luftig, EPA Senior Advisor on Land Reuse
will discuss the specific elements of EPA’s plans to foster
redevelopment as part of its hazardous waste programs.

Energy Recovery, Recycling and Waste Minimization, and the Retail
Initiative – Thea McManus, Acting Director of Municipal and Industrial
Solid Waste, Office of Solid Waste will discuss EPA’s efforts to promote
innovative recycling and waste minimization and using waste as a safe
and viable energy source, and EPA’s activities for raising consumer
environmental awareness and encouraging individuals to think about
environmental issues at the “hands-on” level.

Noon  Guest Lunch Speaker – Michael Hill, TRC, will discuss his firm’s
approach to property transactions and redeveloping contaminated properties.

1:00  Institutional Controls – Joe Schilling, International City/County
Management Association; Amy Edwards, Holland & Knight; Peter Meyer,
University of Louisville and The E.P. Systems Group, Inc.; and Bruce
Sean Reshen, MGP Partners, will focus on the issue of institutional
controls from the perspective of practitioners, with a candid discussion
on both the promises and challenges of innovations such as insurance and

2:30  Break

2:45  Contaminated Sediments – David Nicholas, EPA Office of Solid Waste
and Emergency Response (invited) and other government and industry
officials will discuss a host of topics and initiatives surrounding the
issue of cleaning up sites with contaminated sediments.

3:45  Chemical Security – Tom Dunne, Associate Assistant Administrator,
EPA Counter- Terrorism; Jesus Peralta, CF Industries; and Dorothy
Kellogg, American Chemistry Council, will address the latest
developments related to chemical security in the wake of the 9-11
terrorist attacks.

June 5, 2002   8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

RCRA Track

8:30  Electronic-Based Initiatives and Other Emerging Issues – Matt
Leopard, EPA; John Chelan, Hampshire Group; Kathleen Barrowclough,
DuPont; and Mary Blakeslee, Environmental Council of States, will
address a host of issues involving EPA’s cross media electronic
reporting and record keeping rule (CROMERRR), electronic hazardous waste
manifest rule, and other EPA initiatives.

9:30  Corrective Action and Use of State Authorities – Kevin Garon,
DuPont; David Tomlinson, Bethlehem Steel; Tricia Buzzell, EPA Office of
Solid Waste (invited); Paul Gotthold, Branch Chief, EPA Region 3; and
Tom Fidler, Pennsylvania Land Recycling Program (invited), will address
the use of federal and state authorities for corrective action with an
emphasis on future cleanups using alternate state authorities and
approaches taken under the RCRA-Brownfields Prevention Initiative.

10:30  Break

10:45  MACT Standards – Mike Galbraith, EPA; Bob Ellam, American
Chemistry Council; and Mel Keener, Coalition for Responsible Waste
Incineration, will participate in a panel discussion on MACT-related
issues, including the Hazardous Waste Combusters Phase I rule interim standards.

11:45  Closing Remarks (plenary)

Reuse Track

8:30  Implementation of the Brownfields Law – Linda Garczynski,
Director, EPA National Director of Brownfields Program; Chris Evans,
Land Renewal Program, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality; Karl
Bourdeau, Beveridge and Diamond, will provide different perspectives on
the new law, including the activities and status of EPA’s implementation efforts.

9:30  Reuse Approaches for Industry – Ken Radigan, AIG Environmental;
Bill Cutler, FMC Corp., and Denise Chamberlain, will discuss a variety
of approaches and tools that industry can use to clean up and reuse
contaminated properties, including a discussion of the approach used at
the Iron Mountain Superfund site.

10:30  Break

10:45  Private-Public Partnerships Roundtable: Finding Common Ground –
Sue Briggum, Waste Management, Inc.; Kerry Kelly, American Chemistry
Council; Steve Ramsey, General Electric (invited); Peter Molinaro, Dow
Chemical; John Harris, EPA National Coordinator for Superfund
Redevelopment; Steven McNeely, EPA National Coordinator for USTFields
Redevelopment; Tom Rinehart, RCRA/Brownfields Initiative, Office of
Solid Waste; Sara Rasmussen, EPA Office of Solid Waste, will participate
in a facilitated discussion on the approaches and benefits of
public-private partnerships to support the cleanup and reuse of
contaminated properties.

11:45  Closing Remarks (plenary)


Lenny Siegel
Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/96I-8918

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