1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "cpeo@cpeo.org" <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 10:04:58 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Individual responses to "institutional controls" posted by Bob Paterson

1) Brooks Koenig (KOENIG.Brooks@deq.state.or.us)
2) Christine C. Gaspar (cgaspar@icma.org)


From: KOENIG Brooks <KOENIG.Brooks@deq.state.or.us>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:18:10 -0700 


I like the clustered approach; it also picks up threads that others of us
miss if the exchange is just between parties.

To add a bit to the institutional controls discussion . . .

I am on an ASTM workgroup (E50.04) that is working on institutional
controls, or as they are termed there, Activity and Use Limitations.

Like many other states, Oregon has guidance on institutional controls.  And,
like many other states, there is no lack of controversy as to how much
public participation there should be in developing those controls and how
they will be monitored over time.

Readers may also want to look at EPA's manual on ICs.  For the most part
this is a technical summary for attorneys, but another indicator than ICs
and restricting use of the property will be the more common remedy in years

Brooks Koenig
Oregon DEQ
811 SW 6th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
(503) 229-6801
(503) 229-6954 (fax)


   Date:         Wed, 09 Jun 1999 10:37:48 -0500
   From:         cgaspar@icma.org

In response to Bob Paterson and Caryl Terrell's questions:
Bob refers to a study ICMA (the International City/County Management
Association) completed last year on local government use of institutional
controls (or as we are now calling them for the sake of clarity, land use
controls or LUCs).  It's a survey of 27 local governments and 5 state
governments on their awareness of and experience with LUCs.  I would be
happy to send copies to anyone interested.  E-mail me with your address and
drop a copy in the mail.

Since completing that study, ICMA has conducted two forums on LUCs.  The
first was held in March 1998.  It was an "expert forum" that brought
together a
number of people working on the issue here in DC as well as federal, state,
local government folks.  The second, held in September 1998, was a "state and
local forum on LUCs", which we sponsored with ASTSWMO.  About 15 people
attended, half state solid waste management officials, half local
government officials.  

We are currently preparing a white paper on LUCs, which builds on our
previous research and addresses the current state of knowledge on LUCs as
well as
the importance of a local government role in LUC implementation and data
management. We also have a pending proposal to estimate the long-term costs
to local
government of implementing a LUC.  Finally, we are collecting sample LUCs
from state and local governments to include in a compendium that will be
released late this fall.

Feel free to e-mail or call me directly with any additional questions.
(See contact information below.)

Christine C. Gaspar
Project Manager, Economic Development
International City/County Management Association


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