1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Tony Chenhansa <tonyc@cpeo.org>
Date: 10 Dec 1998 16:56:22
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: New Brownfields List Archive
Dear BF Internet Listserve Members,

CPEO is pleased to announce that the archive of postings for the
Brownfields Internet Forum Listserve is now available on our web site.
Postings from the newsgroup's inception April 1997 to December, 1998 are
available at:


Besides announcements and questions postings, other interesting
discussion topics can be found under the following subject headers

In 1997

*Institutional Controls
*Who is using this newsgroup?
 Subscribers who introduce themselves and explain their interest in brownfields.
*Environmental risks
*Public Financing

In 1998

*Monitored Naturation attenuation
*MOM & POP Brownfields
*Community involvement can be found under three subject headers
 "Community Involvement"
 "Community Participation"

The archive is indexed by date, author, thread, and topic.  Please keep
in mind that it's in a trial phase, and certainly let us know of any
problems you discover.  If you would like to comment on previously
discussed topic, post a new self introduction, or start a new
Brownfields topic please feel free to e-mail


Tony Chenhansa

Tony Chenhansa,  Program Coordinator
Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO)
425 Market Street 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA  94105
ph: 415-904-7751 fx: 415-904-7765
e-mail: tonyc@cpeo.org

A program of the San Francisco Urban Institute

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