Re: Public Financing
04 Nov 1997 14:53:16

From: "Anne Lange" <>

In response to Jean Choi's request for info about financing brownfields

BNA's Environmental Due Diligence Guide, published by the Bureau of
National Affairs Inc., Washington, DC, contains a chapter on brownfields
redevelopment, including discussion of federal and state programs and the
different approaches (loans, grants, tax incentives) to encouraging

The reference guide also contains the full text of
brownfields guidance from EPA, lists of national and regional pilot
programs, and a section summarizing, state by state, relevant environmental
laws including voluntary cleanup laws. It also contains a list of state
environmental and land use agencies that can be contacted for further
state-specific information.

The guide also contains commentary and analysis articles that occasionally
deal with brownfields. It also has a list of relevant law review articles
broken out by subject matter, such as brownfields redevelopment and
environmental justice.

Let me know if you'd like additional info.

Anne Lange