Re: Who is using this Newsgroup?

Peter Strauss ( )
Thu, 09 Oct 1997 10:18:21 -0700 (PDT)

From: Peter Strauss <>


My name is Peter Strauss of PM Strauss and Associates. Most of my work
involves providing technical assistance to community groups that are
affected by Superfund cleanup. I also provide litigation and technical
support and expert witness testimony on a variety of related environmental

My interest in Brownfields is both professional and "academic". Although
Superfund sites do not qualify as brownfield sites, there is a growing
enthusiasm within EPA and state agencies to promote re-use of contaminated
sites. I am concerned that this enthusiasm not lead to a lowering of
expectations and obligations about cleanup responsibilities and cleanup

I look forward to the continued evolution of the brownfields concept, and
continuation of this dialogue.

Peter Strauss