Re: Who is using this Newsgroup?
06 Oct 1997 10:22:50

From: "clay carter" <>

My name is Clay Carter (email address: and I am
a project advisor for the California Center for Land Recycling (CCLR).
CCLR serves as an intermediary that facilitates resources (regarding
remediation approaches, risk assessment educational strategies,
economic development and planning consulting, community involvement
strategies, and more) to organizations addressing brownfield
redevelopment in California. My particular interest is the nexus of
environmental justice and brownfield issues and effective models for
community participation in decision-making processes associated with
brownfield redevelopment, the degree to which brownfield redevelopment
can actually catalyze economic revitalization in urban communities and
the role that CDC's can or do play in brownfield redevelopment.

I have another focus on rural redevelopment, specifically the
redevelopment of abandoned timber mills and the potential positive
impact of such redevelopment on communities with previously
timber-dependent economies. A large part of this issue involves
creating community-driven processes that enable local residents to
accurately assess appropriate and feasible end-uses for timber mill
sites that concurrently respect the rural quality of life yet
stimulate -- and diversify -- the local economy in a meaningful and
sustainable fashion.

I am also interested in a LTR, long walks on the beach, and
independent films. Serious only. No smokers.